Math is Everywhere 数学无处不在 | I-EP第五届数学日
发布时间:2024-03-24 10:56浏览次数:0
圆周率 Pi

Since its inception, the concept of pi has been intertwined with our human history for nearly 4000 years. The symbol π, which ranks 16th in the Greek alphabet, is derived from the initial letter of the Greek word π εριφρεια (meaning "perimeter" or "circumference"). Though it had been present in the four ancient civilizations, it was only in the last 300 years that π was redefined as a universal constant.


People have designated the date represented by the first three digits of π as a worldwide celebration, which is March 14th, Pi Day. March 14th is also known as Einstein's birthday, and Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist, is widely recognized for his contributions to modern physics and the theory of relativity. Therefore, March 14th has also become a day to celebrate scientists and mathematicians. Thousands of years ago, humans began calculating the value of pi. The ancient Greek mathematician, Archimedes, was the first to calculate pi to be 3.14 using the method of inscribed and circumscribed polygons, while the Chinese mathematician, Liu Hui, continued using a similar method to calculate it to be 3.1416. Zu Chongzhi then improved the accuracy to 3.1415926. There are many methods for calculating pi, and the French naturalist, Buffon, discovered a particularly extraordinary approach: he would randomly throw needles onto a table and calculate pi based on the distribution of the needles, a method known as Buffon's needle experiment.


人们将由π的前三位数字表示的日期定为全世界的庆祝日,也就是3月14日,π节(Pi Day)。3月14日也是爱因斯坦的生日,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦是一位著名的物理学家,他对现代物理学和相对论理论的贡献被世人广泛认可。因此,3月14日也成为了一个庆祝科学家和数学家的日子。几千年前,人类就开始计算圆周率了。古希腊的阿基米德最早使用割圆法把圆周率计算到了3.14,中国的刘徽继续使用这种方法计算到了3.1416,而祖冲之则把精度提高到了3.1415926. 圆周率有许多种计算方法,法国博物学家蒲丰的做法最为神奇:把一些针随机的扔到桌子上,根据针的分布情况就能计算圆周率了,这叫做蒲丰投针实验。


Math Day



People's research and application of π are extensive, spanning beyond various fields like geometry, probability, time, and engineering to areas such as music, visual arts, as well as philosophy.

The theme of this 5th Math Day of our I-EP is "Math is Everywhere," aiming to integrate math with contents from various disciplines to promote the interdisciplinary learning and understanding. This integration helps students connect their knowledge and develop a more comprehensive cognition. Therefore, students can establish connections between math and multiple subjects, fostering the comprehensive abilities, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and experiencing the infinite charm of mathematics.






语文中的数学 Math in Chinese

Both in the ancient and modern times, no matter in the domestic and international realm, there are rich mathematical patterns hidden behind the written languages. In ancient poetry, the rhythm and cadence of music are closely related to mathematical calculations. In modern rhetoric, exploring the relations between the sentence structures and word frequency through statistical analysis opens up another perspective on the world of language for us.

Numbers in ancient poems are often used to express time, quantity, or historical periods. In general, numbers are richly and diversely used in ancient poetry, enhancing the artistic beauty and profound imagery of poems through their skillful application.

Numeric idioms refer to idioms that are themed around the numbers or use the numbers for embellishment. They are often used to describe characteristics of things or convey the specific meanings, carrying lots of vivid imageries and rich cultural connotations.



古诗词中的数字在表达时间、数量、年代等方面经常被应用。例如,杜甫的《春夜宴从弟大柳塘》:“绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。 离骚千载谁能解?烟波江上使人愁。”这里的“千载”表示很长的时间,用来形容《离骚》的传世历史。另外,数字还可以用来表达数量,如白居易的《赋得古原草送别》:“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。”这里的“一岁一枯荣”表示一年一度的变化。古诗词中的数字应用非常丰富多样,通过数字的巧妙运用,增加了诗词的艺术美感和意境深远。


音乐中的数学 Math in Music

The intervals between the musical notes, the rhythmic patterns, all contain the mathematical harmony. The choice of scales as well as chord progressions in the music composition, and the notation of beats and tempo in sheet music, all rely on mathematical principles. The combination of mathematics and music allows us to appreciate the harmonious beauty behind the numbers. This integration showcase the importance of math in artistic creation and deepens our understanding of its widespread application and wonders in everyday life.




视觉艺术中的数学 Math in Art

数学画廊 Math Painting Galary

Proportions in composition, color combinations, and every aspect of visual art are influenced by mathematical principles. Concepts such as the golden ratio, perspective, and symmetry provide inspiration and guidance for artists in their creative process. Mathematics helps us create more refined and perfect artworks. Incorporating mathematical elements into paintings not only shows the beauty and wonders of mathematics but also stimulates our creativity and artistic sensibility.




体育中的数学 Math in PE

Athletes' speed, strength, and the analysis of competition data all rely on mathematics. In sports such as football and basketball, statistical analysis and probability theory are used to analyze team and player performance, as well as to predict game outcomes. Mathematics adds scientific rigor to the sports, allowing us to experience the hidden numerical mysteries within athletic performance. The mathematical aspects of sports not only can enhance our skills and performance but also cultivate our mathematical thinking and logical reasoning. By integrating sports and mathematics, learning and training can become more engaging and challenging.




生活中的数学 Math in Life

From grocery shopping to arranging home decor, mathematics is present in every aspect of our lives. When shopping, we compare prices and calculate discounts. In home decoration, we use mathematical calculations for space proportions and color coordination to create a comfortable living environment. When making plans, we need coordinate and plan, designing the optimal solution. Math allows us to handle daily affairs more conveniently and enjoy the mathematical pleasures in our lives.

