Notice | I-EP中学七年级新生返校报到指南
发布时间:2023-08-24 22:31浏览次数:0



Welcome to join us! Please read the following instructions for the new 7th graders in fall 2023.



Registration on August 28, 8:00-9:20 am

G7 Check-in Process


Station 1: The atrium of Tongman building


Sign in and get the individual registration note.



Station 2: Borading students go to the Student dormitory 


Arrange rooms and personal belongings.


Station 3: Classroom

家长将孩子送至课室, 与班主任接好做好交接

Parents drop off their children in the classroom and meet the class teacher for a proper handover.


After check-in, parents may leave, and at 9:30 a.m. students begin the "New Student Orientation Programme".

注意事项 Precautionary


Student grooming requirements:



(1) Dress code for admission: blue polo summer uniform (short sleeves, blue shorts, white socks, white trainers).

(2) No long nails for either sex, no jewellery (necklaces, stud earrings, rings, bangles bracelets, anklets and all other decorative items), no lipstick, no rouge, no painted nails.


Residential students are required to prepare items:



★ 点击图片放大查看 Click for lagrer pics 


Study items to be prepared by day students and residential students



★ 点击图片放大查看 Click for lagrer pics 

4. 个人特殊药品报备班主任 、生活老师。 

Special personal medicines reported to the class teacher and life teacher.     


5. 不允许学生自带违禁食品(只可带牛奶、水果) 。严禁携带娱乐工具 、电子产品(如手机、IPAD 、电子书阅读器、电话手表)、危险用品(各种刀具如美术刀、美工刀、具有腐蚀性 、刺激性液体)等 。

Students are not allowed to bring their own prohibited food (only milk, fruit). It is strictly prohibited to bring recreational tools, electronic products (such as mobile phones, IPADs, e-book readers, phone watches), hazardous materials (all kinds of knives such as art knives, art knives, corrosive and irritating liquids) and so on. on.                 

6. 请家长做好开学报到前的居家健康观察,严禁学生带病到校上课。如孩子不适,请家长及时与班主任沟通。

Parents are requested to inform their children in advance that they should be psychologically prepared to face group life and experience the practical course of admission in order to cultivate their children's independence and autonomy.

7. 根据联和街社区医院的要求,新生入学时,需要进行《预防接种证》的验证。请家长在注册当天,选择以下其中一种方式提交《预防接种证》的复印件:① 携带学生本人的《预防接种证》原件(现场复印后及时归还)。外籍学生,若无《预防接种证》请提供疫苗接种的记录单。② 自行复印,上交复印本。复印页面要求:《预防接种证》的首页(儿童基本资料页);有疫苗接种记录的每一页(含免费疫苗接种记录、应急接种记录和第二类自费疫苗的记录)。

According to the requirements of Lianhe Street Community Hospital, new students are required to have their Preventive Vaccination Certificate verified upon enrolment. Parents are requested to submit a copy of the Preventive Vaccination Certificate on the day of registration in one of the following ways: ① Bring the original copy of the student's Preventive Vaccination Certificate (photocopied on-site and returned promptly). For foreign students, if you do not have a Certificate of Vaccination, please provide a copy of the vaccination record. ② Make your own copies and submit them. The photocopied pages should be: the first page of the Certificate of Vaccination (the page with the child's basic information); and each page with the vaccination record (including the record of free vaccination, the record of emergency vaccination, and the record of the second type of self-paid vaccine).

8. 学校没有设置停车场,请自驾车参加活动的家长将车辆停到学校附近的停车场或光宝路,根据导航从学校的正门或东门入校,谢谢您的配合!(学校正门不能长时间停车) 

There is no car park at the school, so please park your car in the car park near the school or on Guangbao Road and enter the school through the main entrance or the east entrance according to the navigation!  (Long-term parking is not allowed at the main entrance of the school.)

9. 9月1日下午,新生教育汇演结束为16:00,家长需自接,请留意接下来的班主任信息。

On the afternoon of 1st September, the end of the Freshers' Educational Presentation will be at 16:00 and parents will need to pick themselves up, so please look out for the next information from your homeroom teacher.


交通指引 Traffic Guide


There is no car park at the school. Parents attending the event by car are requested to park in the car park near the school or on Guangbao Road, and enter the school through the main entrance or the east entrance of the school according to the navigation, thank you for your co-operation! (Long-term parking is not allowed at the main entrance of the school)

  停车场参考 References:


Chiu Man Hotel car park, Safir Hotel car park, Ronda Apartment car park.








Scan the code

 to register admission intention